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What are the types of Psoriatic Arthritis?

· psoriatic arthritis,arthritis,Symmetric arthritis,Asymmetric arthritis,Arthritis mutilans
types of psoriatic arthritis

There are different types of psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can be Monoarthritic (swelling of one joint at a time), Oligoarthritic (swelling of a few joints at a time) or polyarthritic (swelling of several joints at a time). Swelling of several joints at a time is most commonly seen in people with psoriatic arthritis. Approximately 40% of people are with psoriatic arthritis in the joints of their toes and fingers, and about 24% experience swelling of toe or finger, resulting in what is called “sausage” toes or fingers. Any part of the spine can be affected by this arthritis, but most often areas around the neck or the small of the back are involved.
Symmetric arthritis: Observed in approximately 25% of people with psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms could be identical to the rheumatoid arthritis for instance
stiffness, swelling, pain, redness and warmth in the joints, but more mild with less deformity. They generally occur in the same joints on both the sides of the body.
Asymmetric arthritis: Seen in approximately 70% of people with psoriatic arthritis. Generally mild form of the disease. Does not appear in the same joints on the both sides of the body. May affect any joint including wrist, knee, hip or ankle.
Distal interphalangeal predominant: Approximately 5% of people have this type of psoriatic arthritis. Usually involves the joints closest to the nails in the fingers and toes. Changes in nail are generally reported.
Spondylitis: Approximately 5% of people with psoriatic arthritis have spondylitis. Which is the inflammation of the spinal joints. Most common signs could be stiffness of the neck and lower back. Movement could be hard and painful.
Arthritis mutilans: Reported in about < 5% of people with the psoriatic arthritis. This type basically affects tiny joints of the hands as well as feet.


Read:- Medical treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis